National Ranking Contributors - DV1WF - Details

University Of Notre Dame NCAA

Name Place Bracket Points
October NAC
Zhao, Sophie 15 116 505.0
Pevzner, Victoria 24 132 315.0
Conway, Josephina 33 164 100.0
Leslie, Ryanne 37 164 96.0
Liu, YiYang 48 164 85.0
Griffin, Emma 64 164 69.0
National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)
Conway, Josephina 3 14 850.0
Pevzner, Victoria 34 164 99.0
Leslie, Ryanne 68 1128 -
Zhao, Sophie 93 1128 -
Division 1/Parafencing National Championships + April NAC
Conway, Josephina 15 116 505.0
Griffin, Emma 17 132 350.0
Pevzner, Victoria 27 132 300.0
Zhao, Sophie 55 164 78.0
January NAC
Leslie, Ryanne 15 116 505.0
Conway, Josephina 34 164 99.0
Pevzner, Victoria 46 164 87.0
Griffin, Emma 50 164 83.0
Zhao, Sophie 55 164 78.0
Namgalauri, Mariam 77 1128 -
Barnette, Zoe 121 1128 -
Palmer, Meredith 137 1256 -
December SJCC + Division 1 NAC
Griffin, Emma 17 132 350.0
Leslie, Ryanne 22 132 325.0
Conway, Josephina 27 132 300.0
Pevzner, Victoria 42 164 91.0
Palmer, Meredith 80 1128 -
Zhao, Sophie 93 1128 -
TOTAL 5,270